My Process

Here’s my process for every white paper project, no matter who the client is. And unlike other writers who require a large deposit upfront, my way allows you to get a taste of working with me first. Therefore, there’s no obligation for you to pay anything unless you are 100% sure about working with me.

Initial Call

We’ll jump on a quick call to discuss your project. I’ll ask about your business goals, audience(s), and how the white paper(s) fit into your sales cycle. You’ll get an understanding of my process, and I’ll get a chance to learn more about you and your organization.

(15 - 20 minutes)


If you decide to move forward with me after our call, I will create the framework for the project—the White Paper Plan. Without a clear plan, your white paper will fail to attract attention, build recognition, or generate new leads. No matter who my client is, planning is the required first step.

Once I’ve received my planning fee via PayPal, I’ll arrange for a conference call with all of the key reviewers. This call will help me come up with a frame of reference for your white paper. It also gives you a taste of what it’s like to work with me.

After you receive the White Paper Plan, I’d be happy to move forward and write your white paper based on this plan. However, you are free to shop around for quotes from other writers, or write the paper in-house.

(3-5 days)

Research & Writing

If you decide you want me to write your white paper, send me half of my typical writing fee via PayPal. Once I receive the deposit, I start research. I’ll also get in touch with your subject matter experts and pick their brains for the the contents of the paper. Then I’ll draft up an executive summary and send it to all reviewers to confirm the direction of the paper.

Once the executive summary has been approved, I’ll write up the whole white paper and tell your story with a crisp voice without any buzzwords or jargon. I’ll also keep a list of sources, making it easy for you to refer back to the information later.

When the writing is complete, I’ll send it to all of the reviewers for feedback. We’ll go over your feedback and suggestions together before I implement your comments into a pristine final draft (2 revisions).

(4-6 weeks)



If I am also designing your paper, I’ll ask you for a brand style guide and pictures that you want included. I’ll also ask to see previous marketing material that you’re proud of or thought was effective.

Based on your preferences, I’ll create an engaging page design with professional-quality graphics. I’ll include graphics, quote pull outs, graphs, stats, and any other graphical element that makes your paper more effective. When the paper is finished, I’ll deliver a ready-to-publish PDF to all reviewers for approval (2 revisions). Upon final delivery, I’ll send you an invoice for the final portion of the project.

(1-2 weeks)


The final step—marketing your white paper—can make or break its success. We’ll have a final meeting about how to best get your new white paper in front of your target audience. I’ll offer some ideas to make sure you cover your bases. If you need a landing page written, I can help you with that. If you want the white paper to be repurposed into other formats like a blog post, an infographic, or a slide deck, I can help you with those additional services.

(30 min-1 hr)