How Do You Effectively Promote a White Paper?


So, you have just created your brand new white paper. Now you must promote it and get it in front of the right decision makers, but that is easier said than done. With this white paper, you will learn the 8 must-do’s when promoting your new white paper in order to reach a wide audience and grab their attention.

Download my FREE white paper, “8 Must-Do's When Promoting Your New White Paper.” In this free guide, you will discover INCREDIBLE tips and tricks and receive detailed information on:

  • Why you must have a dedicated landing page

  • How to effectively share your white paper via email

  • Best practices for sharing your white paper on social media

  • 3 ways to announce your white paper publicly

  • How to blog about your white paper

  • Using newsletters to promote your white paper

  • Other formats to repurpose your white paper into

  • And plenty more!

Get your FREE download of my white paper today. It’s my gift to you.

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