Showcase your expertise with compelling content.

Hi, I’m Tian.

I create technical white papers that explain and educate your prospects about complex products or services.

Ever heard of the saying, “Content is king?” When it comes to content marketing, a strong white paper is the cornerstone of an effective content strategy. If you want to generate more leads for your product and services or position yourself as a leader in your market space, my compelling white papers are what you need.


Why My White Papers?

There’s plenty of copywriters out there who also offer white paper writing services. However, when you work with me, you get a dedicated white paper writer who specializes in creating high-end and polished white papers. With my crisp and engaging writing, I’ll tell your story in a journalistic style, explain your offering without buzzwords, and clarify your benefits without hype. At the end of the project, you’ll have a white paper that catches attention, generates leads, and closes more business.

Demonstrate Your Expertise

If you’re an expert in an industry, my white papers will showcase your knowledge and experience. Since white papers are an influential and fact-driven medium, you can demonstrate your authority on the subjects that are important to your business (and your prospects).


Influence Decision Makers

Today’s buyers do more research than before, and they expect informative resources from businesses to guide them through the sales process. My white papers will help you sum up your best thinking, your best argument, and your best case against competitors.


Generate More Leads

With a well-crafted white paper, you’ll educate prospects and reach them early in the sales process. By providing valuable content that’s full of useful information, your audience will see you as a trusted advisor and be more likely to seek out your services.


Who Do I Help?


Companies that offer a business-to-business (B2B) solution can use white papers to get the attention and earn the trust of the kinds of customers that they want to work with. For these businesses, well-written and visually engaging white papers are proven prospect magnets that can travel across the desks of multiple people and several departments in a single company.

Consultants want to be seen as trusted advisors and for clients to trust them and listen to them. And no matter what the industry, everyone wants to stand out from the crowd. An educational white paper demonstrates your expertise on a topic or an industry and shows potential clients that you understand clearly their needs, concerns, and pain points.

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Today’s startups face tremendous challenges in convincing users to put their trust—and often, their data—in a brand they have never heard of before. With the typical sale for some hardware, software, and services being hundreds of thousands of dollars, a white paper can offer a great return on your investment even if it only brings a few new customers.


Why Work with Me?


Journalism Training

I received my degree in journalism, so I understand how to communicate clearly to a target audience. My experience allows me to ask effective questions about your goals and your business to create a strategic plan for a successful white paper project.

Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Before I begin writing, I’ll help you clearly identify the topic, discuss your ideal readers in detail, and establish the white paper’s objective. We’ll also discuss how your paper fits into your sales cycle as well as your SEO keywords to include.

Minimal Work on Your End

When we work together, I’ll manage the entire project from start to finish, saving you valuable time. I’ll handle everything, from drafting the outline and interviewing content experts to writing a powerful white paper that meets your specific needs.

How I Help

With my white papers, I help B2B companies tell their stories in a compelling way. Whether your company deals in B2B software, hardware, or services, my compelling white papers can help you create more buzz, generate more leads, and close more sales.


71% of buyers used white papers during the past 12 months to research B2B purchasing decisions.

— 2018 DemandGen Report Preferences Survey


What I Do

I handle everything including drafting the outline, interviewing subject experts, creating appealing graphics, and writing a powerful white paper that accomplishes your desired marketing objectives.